Using Navigation and Display Controls

Navigation buttons and buttons that affect the display of worksheets and government forms are located on the ribbon, navigation panel, worksheet grid toolbars, and worksheet or government form right-click menus. Use the following controls to help you locate worksheets and forms, as well as navigate between and in worksheets and forms.

Navigation Panel Controls

Button Name Location Description
Expand All Home tab Expands all folders in the Worksheets and Government Forms Tree views or expands all sections in the open worksheet, depending on your focus.
Collapse All Home tab Collapses all folders in the Worksheets and Government Forms Tree views or collapses all sections in the open worksheet, depending on your focus.
Home State Forms Home tab Moves to the list of home state forms.
Expand/Collapse Navigation Panel Navigation panel Expands the navigation panel in an open position and collapses the navigation panel in a vertical bar along the left edge of the window.
Worksheets Navigation panel Displays the Worksheet Tree and, when the open worksheet can include entities, the Entities pane.
Government Forms Navigation panel Displays the Government Forms Tree.
Groups Navigation panel Displays all the returns in the group. Available when working on a consolidated return or kiddie/parent tax return.
Find Entity Entities pane Selects the next matching entity in the Entities pane or opens a worksheet with an exact matching entity name or description.
Delete Entity Entities pane Deletes the selected entity.
Add Entity Entities pane Creates another occurrence of the active worksheet with the same sections and fields for a new entity.

Worksheet Controls

Button Name Location Description
Previous/Next Worksheet Home tab and worksheet right-click menu Moves to the previous or next worksheet that contains data in the tree or the previous or next worksheet entity.
Return to Government Form Home tab Moves to the government form from which the last link was established.
Back Home tab Navigates to the previous worksheet in the tax return history.
Forward Home tab Navigates to the next worksheet in the tax return history.
Forms in Return View tab Toggles the content of the tree or Forms List to display all worksheets for a return, or display only the worksheets that contain data input.
Forms List View tab Displays the last accessed Forms List window (available when displaying a worksheet or form).
WS Form View tab Displays the last accessed worksheet or form opened from the Worksheets/Forms tree (available when displaying the Forms List).
Zoom In View tab Decreases the displayed portion of the worksheet.
Zoom Out View tab Increases the displayed portion of the worksheet.
New Tab View tab

Opens a new instance of the active worksheet from the Worksheets Tree in a new tab.

Note: You cannot open multiple worksheets from the Forms List. If the Worksheets List is displayed, click WS Form in the Show/Hide group on the View tab to display the tree.

New Window View tab

Opens a new instance of the active worksheet from the Worksheets Tree in a new window.

Note: You cannot open multiple worksheets from the Forms List. If the Worksheets List is displayed, click WS Form in the Show/Hide group on the View tab to display the tree.

Reset Tab View tab Changes multiple open worksheets from window to tab display.
Back to First Grid or multiple occurring section Moves to the first occurrence in a series of repeated occurrences.
Back to Previous Grid or multiple occurring section Moves to the previous occurrence in a series of repeated occurrences.
Forward to Next Grid or multiple occurring section Moves to the next occurrence in a series of repeated occurrences.
Forward to Last Grid or multiple occurring section Moves to the last occurrence in a series of repeated occurrences.
Grid Detail Summary grid toolbar Moves to the Detail worksheet associated to a selected record in a Summary grid.
Grid Summary Detail worksheet toolbar Moves to the Summary grid associated to a selected Detail worksheet.
Find Occurrences Grid or multiple occurring section Displays the list of records entered for the section or grid, offering an easier way to locate and select a specific record.
Import Grid toolbar Opens a wizard, allowing you to import data from a spreadsheet.
Export Grid toolbar Opens a wizard, allowing you to export data to a spreadsheet.
Add Occurrence Grid toolbar or multiple occurring section Adds an occurrence or record of the section or grid.
Insert Occurrence Grid toolbar Inserts a row or column, depending on the grid orientation, before the selected record.
Delete Occurrence Grid toolbar or multiple occurring section Deletes the current occurrence or record of the section or grid.

Government Form Controls

Button Name Location Description
Previous/Next Form Home tab and government form right-click menu Moves to the previous or next form in the tree that contains data.
Previous/Next Sheet Home tab and government form right-click menu Moves to the previous or next multiple occurring sheet in a form that contains data.
Forms List Home and View tabs Displays the last accessed Forms List window (available when displaying a worksheet or form).
WS Form Home and View tabs Displays the last accessed worksheet or form opened from the Worksheets/Forms tree (available when displaying the Forms List).
Government to Worksheet Link Home tab and, when applicable, government form field right-click menu Links from a government form to its corresponding worksheet.
Drill Down Home tab and, when applicable, government form field right-click menu Displays the source or multiple sources for the selected government form field's data.
Expand Home tab and, when applicable, right-click menu

Displays a detailed input form correlating to the selected field. Available in some government form fields.

Displays a list of occurrences when multiple occurrences of the form provide information for a field.

Go Back Home tab and, when applicable, right-click menu Returns from an expanded detailed form (see Expand above) to the form last accessed.
Back Home tab Navigates to the previous form in the tax return history.
Forward Home tab Navigates to the next form in the tax return history.
Forms in Return View tab Toggles the content of the tree or Forms List to display all government forms for a return, or display only the forms that contain data input.
Zoom In View tab Decreases the displayed portion of the form.
Zoom Out View tab Increases the displayed portion of the form.
New Tab View tab

Opens another instance of the active form from the Forms Tree in a new tab.

Note: You cannot open multiple forms from the Forms List. If the Forms List is displayed, click WS Form in the Show/Hide group on the View tab to display the tree.

New Window View tab

Opens another instance of the active form from the Forms Tree in a new window.

Note: You cannot open multiple forms from the Forms List. If the Forms List is displayed, click WS Form in the Show/Hide group on the View tab to display the tree.

Reset Tab View tab Changes multiple open forms from window to tab display.